Emily Larkin Author & Editor

Lynne Stringer has been passionate about writing all her life, beginning with short stories in her primary school days. She began writing professionally as a journalist and was the editor of a small newspaper (later magazine) for seven years, before turning her hand to screenplay writing and novels. Emily Larkin is a Queensland author who holds a Doctor of Creative Arts (Creative Writing) from the University of the Sunshine Coast. She writes fiction for children, teens, and adults – and loves holding writing workshops with the Queensland Writers Centre. Emily’s young-adult novel, Within the Ward, explores mental health in a dystopian future. Emily's short fiction and poetry has featured in Australian and international literary journals, including Idiom 23, Meniscus, Seizure, Number Eleven Magazine, Flumes, The Zodiac Review, Streetlight Magazine, Literary Orphans, Black Fox Literary Magazine, and After the Pause. Emily has worked as a Sessional Tutor in Creative Writing, English Literature, and Communication at the University of Queensland, QUT College, and USC.