Manolito Four-Eyes
Elvira Lindo - Paperback
Emilio Urberuaga: He is one of our most international artists. He has been awarded with the National Award of Illustration from Spain, CCEI Award of Illustration and Selected by the White Ravens Awards. He has a very personal style that has brought to life an endless amount of endearing characters, such as Manolito Four Eyes, Olivia, or Hilda the Giant Sheep. Ben Dawlatly completed his masters in Hispanic Language, Culture and History with Translation Theory at UCL. He teaches Applied Translation at the University of Bristol (UK) and his technical translations focus on human rights and the environment, but his real calling is for fiction and poetry. He has translated several children’s books for Nube Ocho and for Neem Tree Press. Rebecca Packard worked many years for a publisher in San Francisco, copyediting novels and short stories, science fiction, children's books, and manga. She now lives in Southern California and edits all sorts of things freelance, specializing in localizing translated works for an English-speaking audience.