Emiliana Mangone Author

Prof. Emiliana Mangone is Associate Professor of Sociology of Culture and Communication at the Department of Human, Philosophic and Education Sciences, University of Salerno (Italy). Since 2010, she is associated to IRPPS-CNR of Rome (Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies) and she is a Director of International Centre for Studies and Research “Mediterranean Knowledge.” Her main investigative interests are in the field of cultural and institutional systems, with particular attention to the social representations of relationships and knowledge as key elements to the human act, and in migration studies. She recently published the following publications: (with Emanuela Pece), Communication et incommunication en Europe: l’exemple de la représentation des migrants, Hermès, 77, 2017; (with Mohieddine Hadhri), Intercultural Complexity of the Southern Mediterranean: Arab-Mediterranean Perceptions and Outlooks, Journal of Mediterranean Knowledge, 1(2), 2016.