Emile I Haddad Author

Brahim Aïssa is a senior scientist at QEERI, an associated professor at HBKU and visiting professor at EPFL, Switzerland. He has a Ph.D. degree in materials and energy science. His activities focus on the development of new materials and their integration into advanced optoelectronic devices and photochemical sensors. Emile I. Haddad is a senior scientist and program manager of the Smart materials sections at MPB Communications Inc. He holds a PhD in Nuclear Engineering. Roman V. Kruzelecky is chief scientist and program manager of the MEMS section at the department Space & Photonics at MPB Communications Inc. He has a PhD in physics. Wes R. Jamroz is the Director of the Space and Photonics Division at MPB Communications Inc. He is the author and coauthor of several books, numerous scientific papers, invited presentations, conference talks, workshops and patents. He has a PhD in laser physics.