Political Opposition and Democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa
3 contributors - Hardback
Elliott Green is Lecturer in Development Studies at the London School of Economics. His previous research on colonialism, decentralization, patronage and ethnic politics in Africa has been published in such journals as Comparative Politics, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Development Studies and Studies in Comparative International Development, among others. Johanna Söderström is a post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Government, Uppsala University. Her previous research on ex-combatants, peacebuilding, post-war politics and elections, focus groups and Liberia has been published in such journals as Democratization, Conflict, Security and Development, Journal of Modern African Studies, Anthropology Matters, among others. Emil Uddhammar is a Professor of political science at Linnaeus University, Sweden. His previous research on comparative politics, development, democratization, the politics and institutions of natural resources, and political theory has been published in such journals as Decision, Review of International Political Economy, Democratization, and Transaction Press, among others.