Els Hiemstra-Kuperus Author

Lex Heerma van Voss is a research fellow at the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam and holds a chair in the history of labour and labour relations at Utrecht University. He has published on the comparative history of dockworkers and on the history of the North Sea. Els Hiemstra-Kuperus is responsible for the organization of the bi-annual European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC) at the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam. She has also contributed to a publication on the image collection of the International Institute of Social History. Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk wrote her PhD thesis on female textile workers in the early modern Netherlands at the International Institute of Social History. Since then, she has carried out several postdoc projects at Leiden University and the International Institute of Social History. She has published, among other things, on women's and child labour, urban history and business history.