The Gordion Excavations, 1950–1973, Final Report – The Lesser Phrygian Tumuli, Part 1: The Inhumations
Ellen L Kohler - Hardback
Ellen L. Kohler (1916–2008) taught classical archaeology at the University of Pennsylvania (1958–1980). Her principal work was at Gordion, Turkey both in the field and as Executive Editor of Gordion Publications (1977–1987) and Gordion Archivist (1987–2005). In 1995, she published The Lesser Phrygian Tumuli, Part 1.
Elspeth Dusinberre is College Professor of Distinction at CU-Boulder. In addition to work in Anatolia, she studies seal impressions on the Persepolis Fortification Archive (dating ca. 500 BCE). She has worked at Sardis, Gordion, and Kerkenes Dağ in Turkey, as well as sites elsewhere in the eastern Mediterranean.