Ellen Gasparovic Editor & Author

Ellen Gasparovic is an Associate Professor in the department of mathematics at Union College in Schenectady, NY, USA. She has served as a co-organizer of multiple conferences and workshops around the world in both applied topology and data science, including the second Women in Computational Topology (WinCompTop) workshop in July 2019. Her research interests are in applied and computational topology and geometry, topological data analysis, image and shape analysis, and differential topology.
Vanessa Robins is an Associate Professor in the Research School of Physics at the Australian National University. Her research develops new ways of applying mathematical concepts to applications in the natural sciences. She has made foundational contributions to the mathematical theory and algorithms for computing persistent homology from data. Dr Robins has co-authored over 40 papers and studied applications in image analysis, porous and granular materials, crystallography, engineered framework materials, dynamical systems and plant sciences. 

Katharine Turner is a Senior Lecturer in the Mathematical Sciences Institute at The Australian National University. Her research focuses topological, geometric and statistical theory relating to topological data analysis, alongside motivating applications such as morphology, point pattern analysis and neuroscience.