Elizabeth Obrey Author

Robert Jason Grant, EdD, is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Advanced Certified Autism Specialist, and creator of AutPlay® Therapy. He serves on the Board of Directors for the Association for Play Therapy and is an accomplished autism author, advocate, and trainer.

Linda Barboa, PhD, has worked for several years as an educator in the United States and Europe. She has facilitated many autism trainings and is the author of several books about autism. She is currently the executive director of the nonprofit organization STARS for Autism.

Jan Luck holds a degree in Speech Pathology and Audiology. She is the board president for the nonprofit organization STARS for Autism. She is an author and advocate, and has trained hundreds of adults and children in the Autism Friendly Training Program.

Elizabeth Obrey is the vice president of STARS for Autism and currently works as a family advocate while pursuing a master’s in Information Science and Learning Technologies. She is also a parent of children with multiple disabilities.