Elizabeth Nutt Williams Author & Editor

Charles J. Gelso is Emeritus Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Maryland, USA. He has published widely in the area of the therapeutic relationship in psychotherapy and the research training environment in graduate education.His most recent books have been The Real Relationship in Psychotherapy: The Hidden Foundation of Change (APA, 2011) and Countertransference and the Therapist's Inner Experience: Perils and Possibilities (with Jeffrey A. Hayes, Erlbaum, 2007). He has been Editor of Psychotherapy and the Journal of Counseling Psychology, and has been given major awards in the field.

Elizabeth Nutt Williams is Professor of Psychology and Dean of the Core Curriculum at St. Mary's College of Maryland, USA, a public liberal arts honors college. Her most recent book, The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Multicultural Counseling Psychology (with Carol Enns, 2012) reflects her long-standing interest in the intersections of feminist and multicultural theories and their applications to counseling practice. She has received awards for her teaching as well as for her scholarship in psychotherapy process research from the Society for Psychotherapy Research and from APA Division (Psychotherapy). She has served as President of APA Division 29, as Newsletter Editor and Chair of the Section for the Advancement of Women for the Society of Counseling Psychology, and on numerous editorial boards (including Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy Research, Psychology of Women Quarterly, and The Counseling Psychologist).