Elizabeth Ann Danto Author

Elizabeth Ann Danto is emeritus professor at Hunter College – City University of New York, and an independent curator who writes and lectures internationally on the history of psychoanalysis as a system of thought and a marker of urban culture. She is the author of Historical Research (Oxford University Press, 2008) and her book Freud’s Free Clinics – Psychoanalysis and Social Justice, 19181938 (Columbia University Press, 2005) received the Gradiva Book Award and the Goethe Prize.

Alexandra Steiner-Strauss is a historian of Viennese art and culture; former lecturer at the Kunsthistorisches Museum and curator, Theater Museum Vienna; author of Trägt die Sprache schon Gesang in sich. Richard Strauss und die Oper (2014); and co-author of Gustav Klimt und Wien (2012) and Anna Freud in Wien (2016).