Elise Marie Collins Author

Elise Marie Collins is an internationally known yogini and instructor on embodied mindfulness. Elise's writing combines her love of ancient healing arts and scientific inquiry. She is currently instructing participants in a two year study on the effects of restorative yoga or stretching for metabolic syndrome. She's the author of Chakra Tonics, Essential Elixirs for Mind, Body and Spirit and Super Agers. Elise Marie Collins teaches at yoga and wellness centers all over the great San Francisco Bay Area Becca Anderson comes from a long line of preachers and teachers from Ohio and Kentucky. An avid collector of meditations prayers and blessings, she helps run a “Gratitude and Grace Circle” that meets monthly at homes, churches and bookstores. Becca Anderson credits her spiritual practice with helping her recovery from cancer and wants to share this with anyone who is facing difficulty in their life. Author of The Book of Awesome Women and Every Day Thankful, Becca Anderson shares her inspirational writings at http://bloggingyourblessings.blogspot.com/