Elisabetta Risi Author

Emiliana Armano, PhD in Labour Studies at the Department of Social and Political Sciences at the State University of Milan, Italy. She collaborates in research into informational capitalism, knowledge work, flexibility and precariousness, with a social inquiry and co-research methodological approach. Her recent publications include (with F. Chicchi, E. Fisher and E. Risi), Boundaries and Measurements of Emerging Work: Gratuity, Precariousness and Processes of Subjectivity in the Age of Digital Production (2014).

Marco Briziarelli is Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication and Journalism at the University of New Mexico, USA. He studies critical approaches to media and communication theory, especially as these fields intersect with broader issues in political and social theory, intellectual and cultural history. He is also the author of The Red Brigades and the Discourse of Violence: Revolution and Restoration (2014) and co-author of Reviving Gramsci: Crisis, Communication, and Change (2016).

Elisabetta Risi, PhD in Information Society, is Research Fellow of the Department of Communication, Arts and Media of IULM University (Milan), Italy. She teaches disciplines related to the critical study of society and media and her research interests includecontemporary forms of job insecurity, and communication practices, identity and social change. Among her recent publications (with E. Armano, F. Chicchi and E. Fisher), is a Special Issue of Sociologia del Lavoro entitled 'Borders and Measures of Emerging Work: Gratuitousness, Precariousness and Processes of Subjectivity in the Era of Digital Production'.