Elisabeth Skale Editor

Bernard Reith is a Psychoanalyst in private practice in Geneva, Switzerland and Chair of the Working Party on Initiating Psychoanalysis of the European Psychoanalytic Federation.

Sven Lagerlöf is a Psychoanalyst in private practice in Stockholm, a Training Analyst at the Swedish Psychoanalytical Society, and former Chairman of the Clinic of the Institute of the Swedish Psychoanalytical Society.

Penelope Crick is a Fellow of the Institute of Psychoanalysis, British Psychoanalytic Society, Clinical Director of the London Clinic of Psychoanalysis and is also in private practice in London.

Mette Møller is a Training Analyst at the Danish Society and is in private practice, and a former Chair of the Danish Society´s Psychoanalytic Consultation Service.

Elisabeth Skale is a Psychoanalyst, a Training Analyst and the President of the Vienna Psychoanalytical Society, and a former Clinical Director of the Vienna Psychoanalytical Ambulatorium.