Old Italian Lace - Vol. I.
Elisa Ricci - Paperback
Xavier Alameda-Pineda received his PhD from INRIA and University of Grenoble in2013. He was a post-doctoral researcher at CNRS/GIPSA-Lab and at the University of Trento, in the deep relational learning group. He is a research scientist at INRIA working on signal processing and machine learning for scene and behavior understanding using multimodal data. He is the winner of the best paper award of ACM MM 2015, the best student paper award at IEEE WASPAA 2015 and the best scientific paper award on image, speech, signal and video processing at IEEE ICPR 2016. He is member of IEEE and of ACM SIGMM. Elisa Ricci is a researcher at FBK and an assistant professor at University of Perugia. She received her PhD from the University of Perugia in 2008. She has since been a postdoctoral researcher at Idiap and FBK, Trento and a visiting researcher at University of Bristol. Her research interests are directed along developing machine learning algorithms for video scene analysis, human behaviour understanding and multimedia content analysis. She is area chair of ACM MM 2016 and of ECCV 2016. She received the IBM Best Student Paper Award at ICPR 2014. Nicu Sebe is a full professor at the University of Trento, Italy, where he is leading the research in the areas of multimedia information retrieval and human behavior understanding. He was a general co-chair of FG 2008 and ACM MM 2013, and a program chair of CIVR 2007 and 2010, of ACM MM 2007 and 2011, and of ECCV 2016. He is a program chair of ICCV 2017 and of ICPR 2020, and a general chair of ICMR 2017. He is a senior member of IEEE and ACM and a fellow of IAPR.