The Lives of Those Eminent Antiquaries Elias Ashmole, Esquire, and Mr. William Lilly, Written by Themselves; Containing, First, William Lilly's History of his Life and Times, With Notes, by Mr. Ashmole Elias Ashmole - Hardback £24.95 Find out more
The Lives of Those Eminent Antiquaries Elias Ashmole, Esquire, and Mr. William Lilly, Written by Themselves; Containing, First, William Lilly's History of His Life and Times, with Notes, by Mr. Ashmole Elias Ashmole - Paperback £20.99 Find out more
Elias Ashmole: His Autobiographical and Historical Notes, his Correspondence, and Other Contemporary Sources Relating to his Life and Work, Vol. 1: Biographical Introduction Elias Ashmole - Hardback £135.00 Find out more
Memoirs of the Life of That Learned Antiquary, Elias Ashmole, Esq; Drawn up by Himself by way of Diary. With an Appendix of Original Letters. Publish'd by Charles Burman, Esq Elias Ashmole - Hardback £19.95 Find out more
Memoirs of the Life of That Learned Antiquary, Elias Ashmole, Esq; Drawn Up by Himself by Way of Diary. with an Appendix of Original Letters. Publish'd by Charles Burman, Esq Elias Ashmole - Paperback £14.99 Find out more
Elias Ashmole: His Autobiographical and Historical Notes, his Correspondence, and Other Contemporary Sources Relating to his Life and Work, Vol. 3: Texts 1661-1672 Elias Ashmole - Hardback £135.00 Find out more
Elias Ashmole: His Autobiographical and Historical Notes, his Correspondence, and Other Contemporary Sources Relating to his Life and Work, Vol. 5: Index Elias Ashmole - Hardback £112.50 Find out more
Elias Ashmole: His Autobiographical and Historical Notes, his Correspondence, and Other Contemporary Sources Relating to his Life and Work, Vol. 4: Texts 1673-1701 Elias Ashmole - Hardback £162.50 Find out more
Elias Ashmole: His Autobiographical and Historical Notes, his Correspondence, and Other Contemporary Sources Relating to his Life and Work, Vol. 2: Texts 1617-1660 Elias Ashmole - Hardback £130.00 Find out more