Who Runs Our Universities?
8 authors - Paperback
Coalition Against Campus Debt is a collective of educators and organizers active in higher education struggles as well as the debt abolition movement more widely for over a decade. Members include Jazon Wozniak, Eleni Schirmer, Dana Morrison, Joanna Gonsalves, Richard Levy, Maria del Mar Rosa Rodriguez, Sofya Aptekar, Tracy Berger, and Barbara Madeloni.
Sofya Aptekar is an associate professor of urban studies at the City University of New York School of Labor and Urban Studies. She is the author of The Road to Citizenship (Rutgers, 2015) and Green Card Soldier (MIT, forthcoming).
Tracy Berger is a Business Analyst at the University of Colorado Boulder, a member of United Campus Workers Colorado, and an organizer with Higher Education Labor United.
María del Mar Rosa-Rodríguez is an associate professor of Hispanic Studies at the University of Puerto Rico, and the president of the faculty union, Asociación Puertorriqueña de Profesores Universitarios (APPU).
Joanna Gonsalves is a psychology professor at Salem State University and chapter vice president of the Massachusetts State College Association faculty union.
Rich Levy is a professor emeritus at Salem State University and a member of Educators for a Democratic Union.
Barbara Madeloni is Education Coordinator at Labor Notes and a former president of the Massachusetts Teachers Association.
Dana Morrison is an assistant professor in the Educational Foundations and Policy Studies Department at West Chester University of Pennsylvania and chapter secretary of the Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties.
Eleni Schirmer is a research associate with the Future of Finance Initiative at the University of California, Los Angeles, Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy. She holds a PhD from the University of Wisconsin, Madison in Educational Policy Studies.
Jason Thomas Wozniak is an assistant professor in the Educational Foundations and Policy Studies Department at West Chester University of Pennsylvania. He codirects the Latin American Philosophy of Education Society (lapes.org) and serves as an organizer with the Debt Collective.