Eleni Cay Author & Editor

Eleni Cay is a Slovakian-born poet living in Manchester, UK. Her poems were published in two pamphlets -Colours of the Swan and Autumn Dedications-and featured in MK Calling 2013 & 2015, anthologies (e.g. Mother's Milk); poetry magazines (e.g., Envoi, Atticus Review) and as the 'best poetry videos on the web' (Moving Poems). Eleni is currently studying the MA Creative Writing at Manchester Metropolitan University. Several of her poems have been re-imagined as poetryfilms, dancepoems or multimedia poems, shared widely on social media networks. She has performed her poems in bookshops, at local schools and poetry events in Slovakia, Germany, Austria, USA and England. The breadth of Eleni's work is also reflected in in the numerous ekphrastic poems she wrote and exhibited together with visual artists in Milton Keynes and London.The Butterfly's Tremblings in the Digital Age has been translated into English for the first time by John Minahane.