Elena Marcheschi Editor

Sarah Keller is Associate Professor of Art and Cinema Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Her research focuses on experimental forms and feminist issues in cinema. She co-edited the collection Jean Epstein: Critical Essays and New Translations, and in her book Maya Deren: Incomplete Control she examines the role of unfinished work, focusing on Deren’s oeuvre. Most recently, she published her book Anxious Cinephilia (2020), which centers on the intertwined role of love and anxiety in encounters with cinema, and she has just completed a manuscript on the career of experimental filmmaker and artist Barbara Hammer (forthcoming 2021). Elena Marcheschi is Junior Assistant Professor at University of Pisa where she teaches ‘Cinema and the Arts’ and ‘Art and Multimedia’. Her research, on which she has written books, articles and contributed to essay collections, concerns video art, experimental cinema and forms of video installation, with particular attention to the analysis of the contemporary world, female languages and self-representation. She is part of the editorial staff of Cinéma&CIE. International Film Studies Journal and since 2005 she has been the artistic consultant to INVIDEO, Mostra internazionale di video e cinema oltre (Milan). Her publications include the monographs Videoestetiche dell'emergenza. L'immagine della crisi nella sperimentazione audiovisiva (Kaplan, Torino 2015) and Sguardi eccentrici. Il fantastico nelle arti elettroniche (ETS, Pisa 2012) as well as the edited collection Videogame Cult. Education, art, music (ETS, Pisa 2019).