Eleanor Houghton Editor

Justine Pizzo is a Lecturer in English at the University of Southampton, UK. Her book

project, provisionally titled “The Character of Climate: Woman and Atmosphere

in Victorian Fiction,” examines how aerial climates shape female characterization

in mid-nineteenth and early twentieth-century novels. Her essays on Charlotte

Brontë have appeared in PMLA and in a volume on Climate and Literature (ed. Johns-Putra,

2019) published by Cambridge University Press.


Eleanor Houghton read English at the University of Oxford, UK, before being awarded a Wolfson Postgraduate Scholarship in the Humanities at the University of Southampton, UK. She has recently completed her doctoral thesis “Charlotte Brontë, ‘Plainness’ and the Language of Dress” and works as costume consultant and historical advisor for the Brontë Parsonage Museum, UK, and the BBC.