Elad Yom-Tov Author

Mounia Lalmasis a Principal Research Scientist at Yahoo Labs London. Prior to this, she held a Microsoft Research/RAEng Research Chair at University of Glasgow. Before that, she was Professor of Information Retrieval at Queen Mary, University of London. From 2002 until 2007, she co-led the Evaluation Initiative for XML Retrieval (INEX), a large-scale project with over 80 participating organizations worldwide, which was re sponsible for defining the nature of XML retrieval, and how it should be evaluated. Her research is concerned with developing innovative models and metrics of user engagement, through the study of user behavior, web analytics, the analysis of users’ emo tion and attention, and mouse and gaze movement. She is studying user engagement in areas such as advertising, digital media, social media, and search, and across devices (desktop, tablet and mobile). She also pursue research in social media and search Heather O’Brien is an Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia whose focus is user engagement with tech nology. She has explored the conceptual nature of engagement to isolate key attributes of an engaging experience, developed a survey instrument to evaluate users’ perceptions of their en gagement, and is currently examining the manifestation of en gagement and how to measure it in information rich contexts such as online news and search systems. Her research, which has appeared in the Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, Information Processing and Management, Interacting with Computers and various conference proceedings, is supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and the Networks of Centers of Excellence Graphics and New Media Project (NCE GRAND) Elad Yom-Tov is a Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research. Before joining Microsoft he was with Yahoo Research, IBM Research, and Rafael. Dr. Yom-Tov studied at Tel-Aviv Uni versity and the Technion, Israel. He has published two books, over 60 papers (of which 3 were awarded prizes), and filed more than 30 patents (15 of which have been granted so far). His primary research interests are in large-scale Machine Learn ing, Information Retrieval, and Social Analysis. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and held the title of Master Inventor while at IBM