Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R
3 authors - Paperback
Edzer Pebesma is professor at the Institute for Geoinformatics of the University of Muenster, Germany, where he leads the spatiotemporal modelling lab. He co-initiated openEO, an open source software ecosystem around a language neutral API for analyzing very large data cubes and image collections.
Roger Bivand is a geographer, emeritus professor of the Department of Economics of the Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway, has worked with spatial autocorrelation since the 1970’s, and is a Fellow of the Spatial Econometrics Association.
Edzer and Roger have actively interacted with the open source geospatial user and developer communities since the last century. They author and maintain a number of key R packages for the handling and analysis of spatial and spatiotemporal data, including sf, stars, s2, sp, and gstat, spdep, spatialreg and rgrass. Both are ordinary members of the R foundation.