Edwin C Selby Author & Editor

Donald J. Treffinger is director of the Center for Creative Learning in Sarasota, Florida, and editor-in-chief of Parenting for High Potential, NAGC’s quarterly magazine for parents. He has previously served as a member of the faculty at Buffalo State University College, the University of Kansas, and Purdue University. He has been actively involved in NAGC for many years and served as a member of the Board of Directors from 1980 to 1984. Treffinger received the NAGC Distinguished Service Award in 1984 and the E. Paul Torrance Creativity Award in 1995. His primary interests are in the areas of creativity and creative problem solving, the levels-of-service approach to programming for talent development, and problem-solving style. He is the author or coauthor of more than 350 publications, including Creativity and Giftedness. His most recent books are Talent Development: The Levels of Service Approach, the three-volume series Thinking with Standards: Preparing for Tomorrow, and Creative Problem Solving: An Introduction. Grover C. Young is an experienced teacher, school administrator, and coordinator of gifted programming and staff development. He has worked with schools and businesses in the areas of creative productive thinking, talent identification and development, and performance-based learning and assessment. Young has also been actively involved in research and writing on the characteristics of creativity and on talent development among youth orchestra members. He has also worked closely with schools and school districts in planning, implementing, and evaluating talent development programming. Young is a coauthor of Building Creative Excellence, Thinking With Standards, The CPS Kit, and Enhancing and Expanding Gifted Programs: The Levels of Service Approach, and has authored or coauthored more than 50 articles and chapters on creativity and talent development. Carole A. Nassab is an associate of the Center for Creative Learning in Sarasota, Florida. She has been a middle school teacher, guidance counselor, principal, pupil personnel director, adjunct professor, and school board member and has authored or coauthored several publications for school and community use, including Thinking Tools Lessons, Thinking With Standards, The CPS Kit, and Enhancing and Expanding Gifted Programs: The Levels of Service Approach. She has conducted programs on thinking tools and CPS for educators, substitute teachers, and teacher educators. Nassab earned her graduate degrees at Harvard University and Lesley College. Edwin C. Selby serves as an associate and a member of the board of directors of the Center for Creative Learning in Sarasota, Florida, and as an adjunct professor with Fordham University’s graduate school of education. Previously, Selby served for many years as a public school music and drama teacher and as a board of education member and officer. He has authored or coauthored a number of articles and books on creativity, problem-solving style, and instruction for creative learning and creative problem solving, including Thinking With Standards, The CPS Kit, VIEW: An Assessment of Problem-Solving Style, and An Introduction to Problem-Solving Style. Selby has served as a trainer and evaluator for several projects on creativity, problem-solving style, and talent development for state education agencies and for international educational organizations, including DestinNation Imagination, Inc., and the Future Problem Solving Program. Carol V. Wittig, an associate and a member of the board of directors of the Center for Creative Learning in Sarasota, Florida, is an experienced elementary classroom teacher and gifted programming specialist in public elementary and middle schools. She has been a lead contributor to curriculum development in language arts, math, and social studies for her school district and has also coauthored several publications on creativity and talent development, including Thinking With Standards, The CPS Kit, and Enhancing and Expanding Gifted Programs: The Levels of Service Approach. Wittig earned a master′s degree in creative studies from the State University College at Buffalo and has presented many workshops on creativity, creative problem solving (CPS), CPS facilitation, learning styles, and talent development both in the U.S. and abroad.