Edward Tsang Editor & Author

Hassan Rashidi earned a BSc in computer engineering in 1986 as well as an MSc in systems engineering and planning in 1989 with the highest honors at Isfahan University of Technology, Iran. He joined the Department of Computer Science at the University of Essex in the United Kingdom, as a PhD student in October 2002 and earned his PhD in 2006. He was a researcher in the British Telecom research centre in United Kingdom in 2005. He is currently an associate professor at Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran, and a visiting academic at the University of Essex. He is an international expert in the applications of the network simplex algorithm to automated vehicle scheduling and has published many conference and journal papers.
Edward Tsang has a first degree in business administration (major in finance) and an MSc and PhD in computer science. He has broad interests in applied artificial intelligence, particularly constraint satisfaction, computational finance, heuristic search, and scheduling. He is currently a professor at the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering at the University of Essex, where he leads the computational finance group and the constraint satisfaction and optimization group. He is also the director of the Centre for Computational Finance and Economic Agents, an interdisciplinary center. He founded the Technical Committee for Computational Finance and Economics under the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society.