Edward Silver Author & Editor

Louis Stulman is a professor in the Department of Religious Studies and Philosophy at the University of Findlay in Ohio. His teaching and research interests focus on the prophetic corpus in the Hebrew Bible as disaster and survival literature. He has authored The Prose Sermons of Jeremiah (1986), Order Amid Chaos (1998), Jeremiah AOTC (2005), "The Book of Jeremiah" in the New Oxford Annotated Bible, 5th Edition (2018), co-authored You Are My People: An Introduction to Prophetic Literature (2010), and co-edited Troubling Jeremiah (1999), Inspired Speech: Prophecy in the Ancient Near East Essays in Honour of Herbert B. Huffman (2004) and Jeremiah (Dis)Placed: New Directions in Writing/Reading Jeremiah (2011). He is the founding co-chair of the SBL Book of Jeremiah Group. Edward Silver's research focuses on ancient Near Eastern prophecy as political speech. He has worked on the textual development of the Book of Jeremiah and on classical Hebrew rhetoric. His study of multiple rhetorical questions in the Book of Jeremiah is forthcoming from Eisenbrauns/Penn State University Press, and he is currently working on a study of the legends of the Book of Judges as subaltern political discourse. He received his PhD from the University of Chicago in 2009 and currently teaches in the Jewish Studies program at CUNY, Hunter College.