Edward Mallia - Paperback
Edward Mallia, born in Malta in 1939. Graduated as BSc. in physics and mathematics, he moved to Oxford for doctoral research. His first visits to Calabria was a voluntary work in gipsy camps and in run-down suburbs of Reggio di Calabria and Melito Porto Salvo. He came back in 1970 and 1972 to the Aspromonte, the southernmost extremity of the Italian penisula. In 1983, Mallia – by then married and father of four children – returned to Malta. Being now much closer to Calabria, his explorations of the region widened and by the end of the first decade of the 21st Century he had explored, mainly on foot, most corners of it and had acquired a good feel for the complex social realities of the place. He has published numerous technical papers, project reports and articles on environmental subjects.