Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation
4 contributors - Paperback
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Prof. h.c. (NRU - HSE, Moscow) Jörg Becker is the Head of the Chair for Information Systems and Information Management at the University of Münster, and Academic Director of the European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS). His focus areas of research are Process Modeling and Data Modeling. Besides developing and evaluating new modeling methods, the methods are transferred into practice to generate business value for companies and governmental organizations. Focused domains of research comprise Service Science Management and Engineering (SSME), e-Government and Retail/Wholesale. The research projects he leads also incorporate Information Systems, Computer Science, Business Administration, and Legal points of view.
Dr. Victor Taratukhin is Managing Director of the Competence Center ERP at the European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS), Head of Department at the National Research University - Higher School of Economics and Co-Director of Center for Product lifecycle Management the Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
Prof. Dr. Oleg Kozyrev is Professor at the National Research University - Higher School of Economics.
Prof. Dr. Eduard Babkin is Professor at the National Research University - Higher School of Economics.
Dr. Natalia Aseeva is Dean and Professor at the National Research University - Higher School of Econo