Eddy Wymeersch Editor

Eddy Wymeersch is professor at the University of Gent. He was Chairman of the Committee of European Securities regulators (CESR) (February 2007- July 2010) and of the European Regional Committee of IOSCO, in that capacity also taking part in the Executive and the Technical committee (2006-2010). He was Chairman of the Belgian Commission Bancaire, Financière et des Assurances (CBFA) (chief executive 2001-2007 and chairman of the supervisory board (2007-2010). He is now chairman of the Public Interest Oversight Board in Madrid. ; Professor Guido Ferrarini is Professor of Business Law and Capital Markets Law, University of Genoa and Director of Genoa Centre for Law and Finance.; Klaus J. Hopt is Professor of Law and Director (em.) at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg, Germany