Watch Your Mouth
Eddie James - Paperback
Doug Fields has been a leader in youth ministry for over 30 years. In addition to being a youth pastor at two churches for 11 and 20 years, Doug is the founder of Simply Youth Ministry, the co-founder of Downloadyouthministry.com, the author of more than 50 books, and is currently working with Youth Specialties & Azusa Pacific University (HomeWord’s Center for Youth/Family). More information about Doug is available at www.dougfields.com. The Skit Guys are Eddie James and Tommy Woodard, two high school friends who love to communicate God’s Word in dynamic and captivating ways through the use of drama, teaching, and comedy. They have been involved in various ministries and impacting lives for more than a decade. The duo has written numerous dramas, plays, and humorous skits that cover a wide variety of topics. They’re the authors of Skits That Teach and Instant Skits, along with their own Skit Guys resources. Eddie James has also coauthored three volumes of Videos That Teach, with Doug Fields.