Ed Newton Author

Dr. Ed Newton was raised in a deaf world. The only child of two deaf parents, Ed was the voice in the silence for them. Through difficult circumstances and major hardships, Ed was radically saved in high school. It was through the spoken word of others and the written Word of God that clarified a call to ministry as a senior in high school.

He is now the lead pastor of Community Bible Church in San Antonio, Texas. With a congregation of 13,955, according to Outreach magazine, in 2018 it was the 19th largest church in America and the 73rd fastest-growing congregation (16th fastest-growing church in 2017). When adding the online community, the church reaches nearly 30,000 people each week.

Ed holds a Doctor of Ministry in Pulpit Communication degree and a Master of Divinity degree from Trinity Theological Seminary (Newburgh, IN) and a Master of Religious Education from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary (Memphis, TN). Ed and his wife, Stephanie, have four children: London, Lola, Liv, and Lawson and live in San Antonio, Texas.