Ed Betof Author

Ed Betof is a leader, teacher, coach, mentor, and author. He is currently the President of Betof Associates LLC, where he does C-Level executive and leadership team coaching. Ed also serves an executive coach for the Center for Creative Leadership and teaches for the Institute for Management Studies. He retired in 2007 as worldwide vice president of talent management and chief learning officer at Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD). Ed served for nine years as the program director for The Conference Board’s Talent and Organization Development Executive Council and was a founding senior fellow and academic director for the doctoral program designed for the preparation of chief learning officers at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the author or co-author of five books, including Leaders as Teachers: Unlock the Teaching Potential of Your Company's Best and Brightest (ASTD Press).

Nila Betof is chief operating officer of The Leader's Edge/Leaders By Design and has extensive experience coaching executives in the C-Suite through emerging-level talent. She has substantial experience in career development consulting, assessment, leadership development, executive coaching, and organizational change. She is certified in a variety of assessment tools and behavioral interviewing techniques. She is the recipient of the 2011 SmartCOO Award from SmartCEO magazine. The Betofs are co-authors of Just Promoted!: A Twelve-Month Roadmap for Success in Your New Leadership Role.