Eckhard Roediger Author

Eckhard Roediger (Author)
Eckhard Roediger, MD, is director of the Frankfurt Schema Therapy Institute, which was established in Germany. He is former president of the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST) and board a member since its foundation in 2008. He has been a schema therapy trainer and supervisor since 2008, and is author of numerous books, book chapters, and articles about schema therapy in German.

Bruce A. Stevens (Author)
Bruce A. Stevens, PhD, is the current Wicking Chair of Aging and Practical Theology at Charles Sturt University, Canberra, Australia. He is a clinical and forensic psychologist with over twenty years of private practice experience. He has written several books-including two other books on schema therapy-and he has advanced accreditation in schema therapy for both individuals and couples.

Robert Brockman (Author)
Robert Brockman, DClinPsy, is a lecturer and psychology clinic supervisor on the Clinical Psychology Masters program at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia (UTS). He is accredited by the International Society for Schema Therapy (ISST) as a schema therapist, supervisor, and trainer, and regularly runs schema therapy trainings nationally and internationally. Brockman has a major clinical and research interests in the formulation and treatment of complex presentations that prove difficult to treat via standard evidence-based protocols. He is currently engaged in clinical research focused on extending the schema model into novel populations (e.g., generalized anxiety disorder, eating disorders, psychosis, HIV sufferers, problem gamblers, and forensic patients).