Commemorating Meiji
2 contributors - Hardback
D.V. Botsman is Professor of History and former Chair of the Council of East Asian Studies at Yale University, and Focus Professor at Monash University. His publications include Punishment and Power in the Making of Modern Japan (2005) and Meiji 150 de kangaeru—Kindai ikōki no shakai to kūkan [Thinking Through "Meiji 150"—Society and Space in the Transition to Modernity], co-edited with Yoshida Nobuyuki and Tsukada Takashi in 2018. He is currently at work on a study of the meaning of freedom and emancipation in 19th century Japan.
Adam Clulow is Associate Professor at the University of Texas at Austin and Adjunct Associate Professor at Monash University. He is the author of The Company and the Shogun: The Dutch Encounter with Tokugawa Japan (Columbia University Press, 2014) and Amboina, 1623: Fear and Conspiracy on the Edge of Empire (Columbia University Press, 2019). He is, most recently, the editor with Tristan Mostert of The Dutch and English East India Companies: Diplomacy, Trade and Violence in Early Modern Asia (Amsterdam University Press, 2018) and is the creator of The Amboyna Conspiracy Trial (www.amboyna.org) and the Virtual Angkor (www.virtualangkor.com) projects.