Duncan Lunan Author & Editor

Duncan Lunan is a graduate of Glasgow University in Scotland, an M.A. with Honors in English and Philosophy plus Physics, Astronomy and French, and has a post­grad­uate Diploma in Education. A full-time author and speaker with emphasis on astro­nomy, spaceflight and science fiction, his books to date are “Man and the Stars”, “New Worlds for Old”, “Man and the Planets”, “Starfield”  (edited), “With Time Comes Concord” and “Children from the Sky”. “The Stones and the Stars, Building Scotland’s Newest Megalith” was published by Springer in November 2012.  He has contributed to 24 other books and published over 930 articles and 33 short stories. As Manager of the Glasgow Parks Dept. Astronomy Project, 1978-79, he designed and built the first astronomically aligned stone circle in Britain for over 3000 years, described in “The Stones and the Stars”.

Lunan was a Curator of Airdrie Public Observatory for 18 years, and in 2006-2009 he ran an educational outreach project from the Observatory to schools, fund­ed by the National Lottery. His other interests include ancient and mediaeval history, jazz, folk music and hillwalking. After 30 years in Glasgow he recently returned to his home town of Troon, Ayrshire, where he lives with his wife Linda.