The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success
Dr Deepak Chopra - Hardback
Deepak Chopra (Author)
Dr Deepak Chopra is a pioneer of integrative medicine and the author of many books, which have been translated into 43 languages. Many have been New York Times bestsellers. Trained as an endocrinologist in India and the United States, he lectures and conducts seminars and workshops all over the world. www.deepakchopra.com
Rudolph E. Tanzi (Author)
Prof Rudolph E. Tanzi is the Joseph P. and Rose F. Kennedy Professor of Neurology at Harvard University. Dr. Tanzi has been investigating the genetics of neurological disease since the 1980s, when he participated in the first study using genetic markers to find a disease gene (Huntington's disease). Dr Tanzi isolated the first Alzheimer's disease gene and discovered several others; he now heads the Alzheimer's Genome Project.