Islamic Tourism
3 contributors - Hardback
Ahmad Jamal (Edited By) Dr Ahmad Jamal is actively involved in conducting academic research in marketing related areas. He has considerable experience in teaching and research and has established a significant reputation nationally and internationally within my area of specialism. Jamal's areas of research include consumer behaviour, ethnic marketing, branding and applications of self-concept. Jamal has published widely in acclaimed academic journals, and has reviewed for a number of academic journals including the European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Strategic Marketing, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services and Journal of Global Business Advancement. Kevin Griffin (Edited By) Dr.Kevin Griffin Bed, MA, PhD. Having studied teaching then tourism organisation and historic settlement I worked in a number of Geography Departments in the Dublin / Kildare area. Since 2001 I have worked at the DIT where I am actively involved in teaching and researching a broad range of tourism topics with particular specialism in both heritage and sustainable tourism. Editor in Chief, International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Editor in Chief, International Journal of Tour Guiding Research Editor in Chief, International Journal of Islands Research Series Editor, CABI Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Book Series Research Interests My main areas of academic interest include: * Tourism and Sustainability / Environmental Issues * Heritage Tourism * Religious Tourism / Pilgrimage * Social Tourism * Teaching Methodologies and Tourism * Local History / Heritage Razaq Raj (Edited By) Dr Razaq Raj is Principal Lecturer in the Leeds Business School. His research interests include community events, outdoor events, economic impacts, religious tourism, cultural festivals and sustainable tourism, cultural diversity in events management and international tourism. Dr Razaq Raj is the author of the textbooks Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Management: An International Perspective, Event Management: An integrated and practical approach and Event Management and Sustainability. Dr Razaq Raj is also a board member of international journals and academic associations. Editor of International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Editor of International Journal of Islands Research Editor of International Journal of Islamic Tourism Series Editor, CABI Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Book Series