Embattled Capital
2 authors - Paperback
Robert M. Dunkerly is a historian, award-winning author, and speaker who is actively involved in historic preservation and research. He works as a park ranger at Richmond National Battlefield Park. Among his several books are three in the ECW Series: To the Bitter End: Appomattox, Bennett Place, and the Surrenders of the Confederacy, No Turning Back: A Guide to the 1864 Overland Campaign, and Embattled Capital: Richmond During the Civil War. He also blogs for Emerging Civil War and Emerging Revolutionary War Era (www.emergingcivilwar.com and www.emergingrevolutionarywar.org). Doug Crenshaw is a volunteer historic interpreter for the Richmond National Battlefield Park. A member of the Richmond Civil War Roundtable, he is a speaker, presenter, tour leader, and the author of books on Glendale and Fort Harrison. Doug is a descendant of the Sydnor family, which lived at Beaver Dam Creek during that battle, and the Binford family, which lived behind the Malvern Hill battlefield.