Dorothy Sisk Editor & Author

Dorothy A. Sisk is Conn Chair and Professor at Lamar University. Dr. Dorothy Sisk’s professional career has spanned more than 40 years. She has been published in a variety of textbooks, academic journals, and in the SAGE reference volumes. Dorothy is the author and co-author of eleven books, including: The Growing Person, Intuition: An Inner Way of Knowing, and Leadership Making Things Happen with Doris Shallcross; Gifted Children in the Regular Classroom and Spiritual Intelligence: Developing Higher Consciousness with E. Paul Torrance; A Futures Primer with Charles Whaley; Leadership: A special type of Giftedness with Hilda Roselli; Enhancing the gift of Leadership with Hava Vidergor; Collective Literacy: Using Gifted Strategies to Enrich Learning for Every Student with Susan Israel and Cathy Block; and Creative Teaching of the Gifted and Making Great Kids Greater as a sole author. Her articles appear in the major journals of gifted education including: Understanding Our Gifted, Roeper Review, Gifted and Talented International, Gifted Education International, and Tempo.