Donnelly Author

William M. Trochim (Ph.D., Northwestern University) is a Professor in the Department of Policy Analysis and Management at Cornell University and a Professor of Public Health in the Department of Healthcare Policy and Research at the Weill Cornell Medical College (WCMC). He is the Director of the Cornell Office for Research on Evaluation and Director of Evaluation for Extension and Outreach at Cornell, and the Director of Evaluation for the WCMC's Clinical and Translational Science Center. He has taught both undergraduate and graduate required courses in applied social research methods since joining the faculty at Cornell in 1980. Trochim's research interests include the theory and practice of research, conceptualization methods, strategic and operational planning methods, performance management and measurement, and change management. His current research is primarily in the areas of translational research, research-practice integration, evidence-based practice, and evaluation policy. James P. Donnelly, SUNY-Buffalo Dr. Donnelly is an assistant professor in the Department of Counseling, School and Educational Psychology at the University at Buffalo. He completed his undergraduate degree at Allegheny College, his masters at Claremont Graduate University and his doctorate at the University at Buffalo. He teaches courses related to research methods and health psychology at the graduate level. Previously a psychologist at Roswell Park Cancer Institute, his research and clinical interests are in quality of life issues related to chronic and life limiting illness. He is also affiliated with the Center for Hospice and Palliative Care in Buffalo. He lives in Clarence, New York with his wife Kerry and sons Seamus and Paddy.