Donna R Miller Editor & Author

Donna R. Miller holds the Chair of English Linguistics at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature of the University of Bologna, Italy, where she coordinates the English Language Studies Program. Her research focuses, in a Systemic Functional Linguistic perspective, on corpus-assisted discourse analysis of various functional varieties of texts, including political, deliberative, juridical and literary registers. Recent publications include "'Truth, Justice and the American Way': The APPRAISAL SYSTEM of JUDGEMENT in the U.S. House debate on the impeachment of the President, 1998", in Bayley (ed.), John Benjamins, 2004, and the forthcoming "From concordance to text: appraising 'giving' in Alma Mater donation requests", in G. Thompson & S. Hunston (eds.), Equinox. Monica Turci is Assistant Professor of English at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Litertaure of the University of Bologna. Her publications include the volume, Approaching That Perfect Edge. A Study of the Metafictional Writings of Michael Ondaatje 1967-1982, 2001, and articles on the relation between language and literature: "Recasting Translation and Migration: Les Murray's Translation from the Natural World", 2004; "'Remembering in translation': Language and memory in Eva Hoffman's Lost in Translation", 2004; and "Questions of Style in Conrad's Heart of Darkness", in press.