Donia Conn Editor & Author

Dr Ross Harvey has held academic positions at universities in Australia, Singapore, and the United States. His research interests focus on the stewardship of digital materials in libraries and archives, particularly on its preservation. Ross has published widely in the fields of bibliographic organization, library education, the preservation of library and archival material, and newspaper history. His most recent books are (with Jaye Weatherburn) Preserving Digital Materials, 3rd ed. (2018) and (with Gillian Oliver) Digital Curation, 2nd ed. (2016). Martha R. Mahard managed the print and photograph inventory projects at the Boston Public Library. Before joining the BPL, she was a Professor of Practice at the School of Library and Information Science at Simmons in Boston, where she taught courses in the management of photographic archives, art documentation, and preservation management. She also held a variety of positions in the Harvard University libraries, including the Harvard Theatre Collection, the Graduate School of Design Library, and the Fine Arts Library, where she was Curator of Historic Photographs. During her 35-year career at Harvard she was instrumental in the development and implementation of their first online union catalog for visual materials. She holds a B.A. in English literature from Barnard College, an M.A. in Theatre History from Tufts University, and an M.L.I.S. and a Doctor of Arts degree in Library Administration from Simmons. She is the co-author of Libraries, Archives and Museums Today: Insights from the Field (2019). Donia Conn is on the faculty at Simmons University School of Library and Information Science and a private conservator with over 20 years of experience in the preservation of cultural heritage collections. Throughout her career, she has also been active in the profession chairing committees for the American Library Association, acting as a delegate for the United States on the International Standards Organization Working Group on ISO 11799, reviewing grants for the NHPRC, the IMLS the NEH, and the Greater Hudson Heritage Network, and acting as subject specialist reviewer for professional journals. Ms. Conn has years of experience in training and assessment for a wide range of cultural heritage institutions. In addition to teaching for Simmons University, she has also developed curricula and taught for Heritage Preservation, the state of Connecticut, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and for the American Library Association. Donia earned her BA in Mathematics from St. Olaf College and her MLIS with Advanced Certificate in Conservation from the University of Texas-Austin. Past employers include the Northeast Document Conservation Center, Northwestern University, Syracuse University, The Folger Shakespeare Library, and the University of Kentucky. Donia is also a Professional Associate of the American Institute for Conservation and a member of AIC’s National Heritage Responders. As an independent consultant, Donia has worked for such institutions as the Saratoga County Historical Society, Lake Placid Olympic Museum, Skidmore College, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, the Greater Hudson Heritage Network, the University of Rochester, Vanderbilt University, and Washington University.