Dong-Eog Kim Author & Editor

Dong-Eog Kim graduated from Seoul National University College of Medicine, South Korea. He received MS and PhD in Neuroscience at Seoul National University Graduate School of Medicine. After finishing his neurology residency and stroke fellowship at Seoul National University Hospital, he worked for three years as a basic research fellow of Center for Molecular Imaging Research (now, Center for Systems Biology) at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. He is a professor of Neurology and director of Biomedical Research Center at Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital. He is director of Molecular Imaging & Neurovascular Research Laboratory. He is director of Korean Brain MRI data center and National Priority Research Center for Stroke, designated by Korean government. He has published 178 peer-reviewed articles in peer-reviewed journals, mostly in highly regarded journals such as Circulation, JAMA Neurology, PLOS Medicine, Annals of Neurology, Neurology, and Stroke. He also wrote many book chapters and books. Alastair Buchan is a translational stroke expert, whose science contributions include molecular biology, in vivo stroke models, clinical trials, and quantitative imaging (1-2 refs). He developed the ASPECTS score which is used world-wide today. Eng H. Lo is a basic neurovascular scientist. He helped develop the neurovascular unit concept (Lo, Nat Rev Neurosci 2003; Tiedt et al, Nat Rev Neurol 2022). Jeffrey Saver is a world leader in stroke research and clinical trials (e.g. FAST-MAG, SWIFT-PRIME) (1-2 refs). He helped lay the foundations of trial design for neuroprotection and thrombectomy.