Donald E. Westlake (1933-2008) was a prolific author of crime fiction. In 1993, the Mystery Writers of America bestowed the society's highest honour on Westlake, naming him a Grand Master.
Call Me a Cab
Donald E Westlake - Paperback
Brothers Keepers
Out on the Rim
Ross Thomas - Paperback
Double Feature
Murder Me for Nickels / Benny Muscles In
Peter Rabe - Paperback
What's So Funny?
Anatomy of a Killer/A Shroud for Jesso
Drowned Hopes
Help I Am Being Held Prisoner
My Lovely Executioner / Agreement to Kill
The Comedy is Finished
Forever and a Death
Donald E Westlake - Hardback
Cops and Robbers
Murderous Schemes
J Madison Davis - Paperback
J Madison Davis - Hardback
Get Real
Castle in the Air
Call Him Nemesis
The Getaway Car
Bank Shot
The Busy Body