Canadian Labour Policy and Politics
2 contributors - Paperback
John Peters is a research fellow and associated professor at the University of Montreal’s Interuniversity Research Centre on Globalization and Work. He is the director of Blue Green Ideas, a research and consultancy firm focused on creating sustainable, equitable, and innovative green economies. Don Wells is professor emeritus, School of Labour Studies and Department of Political Science, at McMaster University. A former steelworker, autoworker, and labour union organizer, he has been active in the migrant workers' rights, peace, anti-poverty, and environmental movements. He was also a policy researcher in the national office of the Canadian Union of Public Employees.
Contributors: Donna Baines, Yale Belanger, John Calvert, Bryan Evans, Carlo Fanelli, Colleen Fuller, Rafael Gomez, Jennifer Harmer, Rebecca Hii, John Holmes, Philip Kelly, Adam King, Andy King, Stephanie Luce, Janet McLaughlin, Andie Noack, Stephanie Ross, Larry Savage, Jim Silver, Mark Thomas, Steve Tufts, Leah Vosko.