Don de Savigny Author

Professor Don de Savigny is an epidemiologist and public health specialist. He is currently Head of the Health Systems Research Unit in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, University of Basel, Switzerland. He is also an Alumnus, Honorary Professor and former Heath Clark Lecturer at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He has extensive experience in conducting and facilitating health research in developing countries and has lived and worked for many years in Africa. His current research focuses on interventions to strengthen health systems in developing countries, and on the health system effects of Global Health Initiatives for scaling up access.Dr Karl Blanchet is a Lecturer in Health Systems Research at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He is also a Lecturer at the International Centre for Eye Health, International Centre for evidence in Disability at LSHTM, and co-founder of the Public Health in Humanitarian Crises Group. Karl has a background in public health and extensive experience in health system strengthening in Asia. Karl has specific interests in studying sustainability and resilience of health systems especially in post-conflict and conflict-affected countries. Karl has also applied innovation theories to understand the routinisation process of health interventions. Dr Taghreed Adam, is a Scientist, Research and Knowledge Translation (RKT), World Health Organization. Taghreed Adam is also a Pediatrician and Health Economist. Having joined WHO in 1999, she focused on methodological and analytical developments in the areas of costing and the economic evaluation of health interventions. She also led projects for the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research. In 2014, she joined the RKT team of WHO where her main responsibilities include managing the implementation of the WHO strategy on research for health, including the development of the Global Health Research & Development Observatory, and playing a crucial role in the efforts rendered to Member States in developing mechanisms to integrate research and its translation into policy, services and products.