Don Cormack Author

Don Cormack served as a missionary with OMF International in Malaysia, Taiwan, Cambodia, Thailand and Singapore from 1972-1996.

After being forced to flee from Cambodia in 1975, he worked in Cambodian refugee camps along the Thai border. He later taught at at Discipleship Training Centre in Singapore, where he also ministered to heroin addicts, before returning to Cambodia in 1992, following the signing of the Paris Peace Accords. He was ordained by the Bishop of Singapore to begin the Church of Christ our Peace in Phnom Penh.

Don married Margaret Lockhart at Chefoo School in. 1979. They have three adult daughters. After returning to the UK he completed his award-winning book Killing Fields, Living Fields, now in its eighth edition, which chronicles the Cambodian church from its beginnings in the 1920s to the present day.