Dominic Davies Editor & Author

Elleke Boehmer is Professor of World Literature in English at the University of Oxford, UK. She is the author of five monographs and five novels, including, among the former, Colonial and Postcolonial Literature (1995, 2005), Nelson Mandela (2008), and Indian Arrivals 1870-1915 (2015), and, among the latter, The Shouting in the Dark (long-listed Sunday Times Barry Ronge prize), Screens against the Sky (short-listed David Hyam Prize), and Bloodlines (shortlisted SANLAM prize). She has edited and co-edited numerous books, including Robert Baden-Powell’s Scouting for Boys (2004).
Dominic Davies is Lecturer in English at City, University of London, UK. He completed his DPhil and a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Oxford. During this time he was also the Network Facilitator for the Leverhulme-funded 'Planned Violence' Network and the British Council US and TORCH-funded 'Divided Cities' Network. He is the author of Imperial Infrastructure and Spatial Resistance in Colonial Literature, 1880-1930 (2017) and Urban Comics: Infrastructure and the Global City in Contemporary Graphic Narratives (forthcoming 2019).