Ideas of 'Race' in the History of the Humanities
2 contributors - Paperback
Amos Morris-Reich is Professor in the Department of Jewish History and Thought and Director of Bucerius Institute for the Research of Contemporary German History and Society at the University of Haifa, Israel. Past publications include The Quest for Jewish Assimilation in Modern Social Science (2008) and Race and Photography: Racial Photography as Scientific Evidence, 1876-1980 (2016).
Dirk Rupnow is Professor at, and Head of, the Institute for Contemporary History at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. Previous publications include Judenforschung im Dritten Reich: Wissenschaft zwischen Politik, Propaganda und Ideologie (2011) and Vernichten und Erinnern: Spuren nationalsozialistischer Gedächtnispolitik (2005) and co-edited (with I. Roebling-Grau) ‘Holocaust’-Fiktion: Kunst jenseits der Authentizität (2015) and (together with V. Lipphardt, J. Thiel and C. Wessely) Pseudowissenschaft. Konzeptionen von Nichtwissenschaftlichkeit in der Wissenschaftsgeschichte (2008).