Dirk Paul Mielke Editor

Federico Manuelli is a Near Eastern archaeologist working as a researcher at the Institute of Heritage Science of the Italian National Research Council and as a guest researcher at the Institut für Altorientalistik of the Freie Universität Berlin. He has participated in archaeological excavations in Italy, Syria and Turkey, mostly focusing his research on the Hittite and post-Hittite levels at the site of Arslantepe/Malatya. He is the author of several contributions about the analysis and classification of the material culture, the territorial organization and the public architecture of the civilizations of Northern Mesopotamia and Anatolia.

Dirk Paul Mielke is a pre- and protohistorian and Near Eastern archaeologist and apl. Professor at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany. He has participated in archaeological excavations in Germany, Spain, Morocco and Turkey, in particular as a leading member of long-term projects at the Hittite sites of Kuşaklı/Sarissa and Oymaağaç Höyük/Nerik. He has authored numerous fundamental articles on Hittite archaeology, archaeometry, the Phoenicians in the West and ancient fortifications.