4 authors - Paperback
Garry Prouty was the founder of Pre-Therapy. He lectured in European clinics, hospitals and training organisations for nearly 20 years, and delivered the Frieda Fromm-Riechian Memorial Lecture at the Washington School of Psychiatry. Marlis Portner worked as a psychologist and psychotherapist in private practice, and as a consultant for staff members of various social care organizations in Europe. Dion Van Werde is a psychologist with a postgraduate specialisation in Client-Centered/Experiential Psychotherapy (K. U. Leuven). He is Pre-Therapy Staff Fellow of the Chicago Counseling and Psychotherapy Center, USA. He is coordinator of the Pre-Therapy International Network, based at Psychiatrisch Ziekenhuis, St Camillus, Gent, Belgium, where he uses Pre-Therapy as a ward model in residential care for people diagnosed as psychotic. He also gives presentations and workshops on Pre-Therapy in different formats and languages.